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Many students just don’t consider it important, but you should never make this mistake.

Now, extracurricular achievements tend to portray you as an all-rounder. 

In the current educational scenario, getting top grades is not the only key to success. It’s becoming more evident that developing a varied and balanced personality is crucial for shaping your academic path and future opportunities.

Top universities will interview your grades but also consider the type of extracurricular you have participated in and what you have achieved.

So, let’s talk about this in detail and figure out together the role of extracurricular activities in winning study abroad scholarships.

Justifications For Improving Your Extracurricular Skillset

  • Academics rule the game is a myth.

It is common among Indian students and parents to rumor that academics have to be the priority. Extracurriculars only take away your time and are a total waste.

On the other hand, how can we ignore that overdoing anything ruins your growth? Balancing academics and extracurricular is necessary to make your way to top educational colleges.

    • Social exposure is necessary.

Participating in extracurricular helps you to socialize with your peers. They help in developing communication skills and leadership qualities and overall shape a confident personality.

These abilities are needed to confidently ace interviews and crack tests. This, in turn, boosts self-confidence, and you become a better version of yourself.

    • Creative mind development


Books give you limited theoretical knowledge. But, practicality can be witnessed while taking part in extracurricular. Practical knowledge is a better teacher than theoretical knowledge.

It brings about creative thought and ways of bringing those ideas to life. In the real world, creativity is a must-have skill while doing any job.

    • Unique skill set

Hundreds of students apply to study abroad. To stand out, you need to have some special skills that give you an upper hand over the rest. Some important ones are-

    • Teamwork

    • Time management

    • Work prioritization

    • Creative thought

    • Problem tackling

    • Analyzing skills

    • Importance of Extracurricular

Having said the above, let us come to the stats. To study in a decent college in a foreign country, you must have something extraordinary. 

Don’t get shocked but Extracurricular count up to 30 % weight-age in your application.

What To Include In Your Extracurricular Activities?

There is no designated list of the type of extracurricular you must participate in. They must portray your personality as consistent and a developed one. Also, you must choose activities that uplift you and are not a burden.

The extracurricular must be extraordinary but also relevant to your interests. This causes a great deal of satisfaction, and you will also be able to advance in that area.

    • Leadership activities

If there is a club opening in your school or any creative team with a motive similar to your interest, then it is an excellent opportunity to hone your leadership skills, suggest new ideas, and guide the team members.

Top universities will be more than happy to give you a scholarship if you have this skill.

    • Sports

Taking part in sports has a lot of benefits. First, it makes both your mind and body active. Secondly, it makes your teamwork abilities stronger.

If you have an inherent likability towards sports like cricket, football, badminton etc, then you can either join your school team and then further show your skills to lead the team.

Making your way to regional and state-level competitions adds a spark to your applications.

    • Creative activities

Now, this is a very vast domain. It may include painting, sketching, and sewing. Writing blogs, poems, or stories is also quite a creative skill.

These activities are best for those who are not interested in sports or physically tiring activities. Nevertheless, these achievements also amp up your application.

    • Music Creation

Music, apart from mesmerizing your heart and soul, also increases coordination abilities. If you are passionate about music, the universities will love to offer scholarships to such students.

It also shows that the student has a peaceful and calm mindset towards everything.

    • Volunteering at NGOs

NGOs are organizations willing to help people but need youthful students to reach out to more needy people.

Volunteering at NGOs brings self-satisfaction but also showcases the organizational skills of the applicant. This is, of course, something that you can list in your application.

Mistakes to Avoid While Listing Your Extracurricular.

Recognizing the significance of engaging in extracurricular activities, it is crucial to be aware of certain mistakes that should be avoided in application formats such as SOPs, LORs, CVs, and academic essays.

    • Avoid blabbering about childhood fantasies.

When listing your extracurricular, do not just go on about what you did when you were 5 or 6 years old. Make sure your listing is not unambiguous.

It is not unambiguous and vague. It must be to the point. The application must not be like a childhood fantasy.

    • Avoid boasting about your achievements.

Achievements demonstrate your strength and driving force. Your aim determines how focused you are in life. Both these points are necessary to ace your study abroad scholarships.

    • Don’t miss out on essential skills.

Students must show skills like leadership, team collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Deviating from these might lead to rejection.

    • Avoid using very huge words in your application.

Listing too difficult technical words to sound professional does not help. It only seems as copied from the internet. Try to be more original and use meaningful and normal wordings to highlight your skills.

    • Avoid showing fake certifications and awards.

It is obvious, but most students still try this. Plagiarism has serious consequences.

Listing fake skills and achievements just to win the scholarship is not the right way, nor does it work. They may also ban you from applying in the future.

How Do Teachwell Services Aid Students Going To Study Abroad?

Teachwell Services is an organization that provides all the assistance you need while applying for a Study abroad scholarship. We provide:

    • Post-admission services

So, feel free to contact us if you want to know how to make a perfect profile based on your skills and learn the syllabus of top scholarship exams for foreign universities. 

The best part? We also offer a free personalized orientation session to let you know the essentials of studying in a college outside of your country and help you in every step. 

Not only this, Teachwell also prepares students for entrance exams to study abroad for schools and colleges in their native country as well.


Yes, they can help to some extent. But you need to balance your studies as well. Maintaining an average GPA will keep you on the safe side.

The interviewers will examine your confidence and will ask you to explain whatever you have listed in your application in detail.

Yes, of course. Highlight meaningful achievements in a to-the-point manner rather than blabbering about childhood fantasies.

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